Business Calendar 2 (closed)
536 results found
Offer Google / Play Store independent Version
Running a custom ROM without Google engines makes it impossible to use the purchased licence of the pro version of Business Calendar 2. Please offer a possibility to use your great product by offering licencing, e.g. like AquaMail (they provide an extra licencing app to verify the purchase without Google). Thank you!
3 votes -
Frame around the current day in the month view, in addition to the colored background
I want a frame around the current day in the month view, in addition to the colored background...
2 votes -
Termin automatisch verschieben nach Ablauf
Hallo und einen schönen guten Tag!
Ist es möglich eine Option/Button einzupflegen, mit der/dem man bestimmte Termine automatisch verschieben kann, wenn sie abgelaufen sind? Danke und viele Grüße !1 vote -
Synchronization privacy
I used this calendar in particular to shift from google's calendar,
I would like the calendar to focus more about privacy away from synchronization with Google accounts or should sync to a private server I choose or of your own.1 vote -
I want to be able to strike-through appointments
I guess you understand😜
1 vote -
Merging calendars
I think there could be option to merge calendars - choose all of events in one, and change their calendar to another.
1 vote -
Insert personalized reminders directly from the calendar instead of "dd hh mm"...
Insert personalized reminders directly from the calendar instead of "dd hh mm"
1 voteavailable for all-day events
Select tasks lists in widget
In the current implementation of the Tasks widget, the only options are All Task Lists or Personal task list. I'd really like to have the option of selecting "Like in App", and/or being able to manually select the task lists shown in the widget.
1 vote -
report des tâches
J'apprécie énormément votre application que j'utilise plusieurs fois par jour.
Je pense qu'il serait bien de développer une fonction de report.
D'un simple clic, cela permet de reporter au jour suivant une tâche qui n'a pas été réalisée.
Qu'en pensez vous ?1 vote -
I would love more colours for new events. There should be a custom colour option.
When I put in a new event, there are only a few options for colours. Should be a palette dial so we can use lots of different colours (custom colour) for each new event.
14 votes -
Bonjour a tous, il serait tres utile de pouvoir supprimer l’ensemble des rdv ou Evénements étant en double (meme date meme heure)
il arrive d'avoir des doublons sur les rdv et les Evénements type anniversaires, fêtes nationales...(même heure même date)
il serait très utile de pouvoir les supprimer globalement en ne gardant que le plus récent (s'il y a eu des modifications ou ajout d'informations dans le rdv ou l'événement)
je n'ai pas trouver de logiciel permettant de faire cela (supprimer des doubles de photos ou dossier oui mais aucun sur les éléments dans les agendas.
Autre problématique : quant on supprime des rdv sur l'ordinateur et que l'on synchronise avec le téléphone, on récupéré tous les éléments déjà supprimé . l'idée…1 vote -
Ability to choose individual Reminder notification sound
My desire for Business Calendar 2 is similar to the posted idea "I would like to have seperate on/off for tasks and seperate notification sounds", but I think not quite the same.
I would like the ability to choose an individual Reminder notification sound. All calendar events could have a default sound as set in Settings ==> Reminder ==> General, but each event could be altered to choose a different Reminder notification sound.
I find that over time, I don't always hear the default Reminder notification sound. A lot of times this is okay, but for events that are more…
11 votes -
wish to suggest you if you can , Create any numbers of Calendar with different color combinations. Day/Date/Timing/Area.... are the commo
wish to suggest you if you can ,
Create any numbers of Calendar with different color combinations.Day/Date/Timing/Area.... are the common factors in all calendar. Even then segregation under different headings ,gives more clear picture.
So ,In " create new calendar " Column if you add "New Calendar Name" , it will be more useful.
Right now in , Business Calendar; Birthday, Google , Solar , etc Calendars can be added or dropped. Similarly if new calendar been created ,such adding and dropping facility.
In short , In one Calendar hundreds of new calenders can be synchronized and can be…
1 vote -
I want google tasks to be syncroniced again.
I want google tasks to be syncroniced again. This is not working since mounths. What about the new google task "Erinnerung"?
I'm using your tool since years and I love it but without a task syncronication it is useless for me.4 votes -
2 votes
Akustisches Signal
Ist es möglich Termine optional mit einem akustischen Signal zu verbinden?
1 vote -
angehängte Dateien sollten synchronisiert werden
Google selber synchronisiert im 'eigenen' Kalender die an Terminen angehängten Dateien (pdf, etc.). Öffne ich den Google Cal auf meinem S8 sehe ich den Anhang. im BC2 Pro finde ich den Anhang leider nicht. Ziemlich unpraktisch...
Bitte hängt BC2 Pro auch mit den Anhängen an die Sync von Google!4 votes -
Wish you would make the weather on the days of the month, with out going to the day it self. would be so much nicer. Anytime I go to the cal
Wish you would make the weather on the days of the month, with out going to the day it self. would be so much nicer. Anytime I go to the calendar I just want to see a date birthday or so on I don't want to open a hole new page. would like to see a little I-con of sun or rain or what ever the case may be. please consider this
1 vote -
1 vote
Tagesansicht mit Aufgaben: Bitte eine Möglichkeit schaffen, die Schrift der Aufgaben in der Tagesansicht zu vergrössern!
Tagesansicht mit Aufgaben:
Bitte eine Möglichkeit schaffen, die Schrift der Aufgaben in der Tagesansicht zu vergrössern!1 vote