Allow user to configure the default selected time for "always ask" snooze dialog
It would be nice to be able to configure the default selected time option for the snooze dialog. Right now I have both snoozes set to "Always Ask". When an reminder appears in notifications area and I click the "snooze" button, I get a radio list of snooze times to choose from. Right now, the "15 minutes" item is always selected by default. I'd like to be able to keep the "Always Ask" setting but be able to configure the default selected snooze time in the snooze dialog to "5 minutes," because that is the snooze I'd like to use most of the time. If this were possible, that means I can leave "Always Ask" set with default selection set to "5 minutes" and when a reminder pops up and I snooze it I still have the opportunity to change from 5 minutes to some other interval if I wanted to, or I could just click the Ok button to accept it at 5 minutes.
You can set it in the settings - reminder - snooze - interval