Please give us optional new week view: Days of week displayed in cells/rectangles showing events and tasks
Ingo commented
Business Calendar ist meine bevorzugte Kalenderapp. Ich vermisse allerdings alternativ eine tabellarische Wochenansicht wie sie z.B. aCalendar bietet. Es wäre schön, wenn sich das in die App einbauen ließe...
Monir Hossain Monir commented
Strongly Support this feature with custom day color. So that any one can select weekend with red or any color. Whether it is Saturday and Sunday, Friday and Saturday, or any day from seven day's
I hope it will be more flexible in BC2 then any other app. -
Ismail commented
Option to view calendar week with a 2*4 matrix view. Gives a better overview of the tasks for the week.
Laurent Van Waes commented
support this strongly. The box view is also in Informant which I used until recently. I find the column view very difficult to read, although slightly better in landscape view. Please let us have boxes!
KMack commented
Great idea--This would be extremely helpful!
Nick commented
Completely agree! We'd love this for our phones.
Evy commented
Israël Fontaine commented
Gregoire commented
Same feature request here, please vote there:
Norman commented
I support this strongly. The box view is also in Informant which I used until recently. I find the column view very difficult to read, although slightly better in landscape view. Please let us have boxes!
Anonymous commented
We need this week view. Every other calendar app provides it already.Pls!
David Chu commented
A Work Week view similar to Outlook. You can simulate this with week view and the day slider, but you're forced to start the week on Monday instead of Sunday. Plus it's a little clumsier to switch between different calendar views (month, week, work week, etc).
Robson commented
Just like the aCalendar's week view:
Adrian commented
Me too
Felipe Calegario commented
It's a amazing feature. I'd like to use this soon.
VLPR commented
I would love to have option for another layout of the week view, like the aCalendar, where the week is not broken down by hour, but rather similar to month view, where each day is a box with list of events....
Björn commented
Die Wochenansicht ist okay, aber ich persönlich kann sie so nicht verwenden. Eine Aufstellung wie in der Monatsansicht finde ich viel übersichtlicher. Besonders dann wenn man die Termine mehrerer Personen managen muss.
Alen Šiljak commented
This is probably my only request for BC2. I just like this "old-school" week view as it reminds me of the times when this was the week layout in paper calendars.
In any case, it would be helpful to have this view in addition to the current one, just like it was done for the month view.
The main difference between the two views is that the requested one displays *what* is happening and the current one, with timelines, displays *when* it is happening. Both are useful at times and it would be great to be able to switch between them. -
Esa commented
I'm lacking the option to view a week with horizontal lines. It's like Agenda view, but showing all 7 days of the week.
Jorte calendar has this, but their premium version is with monthly payments, and I don't like that.
A 7 day view with horizontal lines is much neater, easier and faster than the one with vertical lines.
Thank you for a great product! -
Arek commented
For me, current week view of BC2 is its strongest point.