Assign Multiple Calendars to single events
It would be so handy to be able to assign multiple calendars to one event - I have common events that span 4 or 5 calendars with different users (mix of Google and Exchange) so end up with layers of events - all the same info clogging up my week view which is the one I use most. I also use the agenda widget view which ends up having a huge list, and sorting/filtering a calendar is no good as I still need to see other events of those calendars. I'd like to see some way - perhaps zebra type stripes of colour of each calendar - or just a number denoting number of shared calendars - somewhere in the event - with a pop-up of the detail perhaps?

Daniel Düsentrieb commented
why was that declined? I guess quite some people have that issue that the same event clutters the view because it is whon more than once (in work calendar and personal, in wifes calendar and own, etc ...)
I understand that the data structure requires events to belong to a single calendar and BE cannot change something about that but what about my suggestion that the software finds this events and shows them only once (maybe it would be easier to show them in the color of the first calendar)? -
Daniel Düsentrieb commented
great idea - don't have votes any more. The best would be if BC would recognize that automatically and display the event only once in an additional (configuarble) color (or striped or whatever)