I want the option of being able to always start the day of the week view to be on a sunday or a monday (and not the last 7 days)
I want the option of being able to always start the day of the week view to be on a sunday or a monday (when the week begins)
John Smith commented
Yes it it VERY irritating that although you get get it to OPEN on the correct day of the week (e.g. Monday), if you then scroll sideways a couple of days, it then seems to forget which day of the week to open with when you flick the view forwards or backwards in time.
You can set it in the settings -> times -> start of the week
Kris commented
Sometimes, I'm a little confused when planning appointments:
If I slide left or right in weekly view, BC2 tends to move the view just for a few days. Then eg. thursday is the very left column. A switch for arresting a special day as first day of the weekly view would be helpful. -
Tom commented
Hallo, ich würde mir eine Option wünschen, das in der Wochenansicht, egal über welchen Weg ich diese öffne oder wie ich in dieser hin und her scrolle, immer der Montag als erster tag der Woche ganz links ist.