SUGGESTION 1. All settings for each view should be accessible from the 3dot Menu in that view. 2. The user should be able to visually see th
1. All settings for each view should be accessible from the 3dot Menu in
that view.
2. The user should be able to visually see the results of a view setting
change before accepting and saving that change.
3. In the Year, Month, Week, Day, Agenda, Task views, one tap on the 3dot
menu of each view should allow me to set any customization for that view
and immediately see the results before I save, or provide an undo button.
4. Give the user the option of making a setting change global (for all
views) or unique for each view. Currently it's a confusing mixed bag. Some
setting changes affect multiple views while others are unique to a single
view. And it's not obvious to the user which is which.

Please post one idea per entry only.