Google Calendar Reminder's in Business Calendar
Looks like there is an API for this now!
Can we please get these Google Calendar Reminders in Business Calendar 2 now?

Karol Legerd commented
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biny rottman commented
bussines callender op computer plus reminders
Anonymous commented
Please create an app for iphone....
Clark commented
Please integrate this. Reminders are so much more common now that Google Assistant can verbally create them from all your smart home devices. This is becoming a glaring omission.
Brian Minsk commented
As a workaround I wonder if there is a way to automatically sync Google reminders to a task list?
mekinee r commented
Tasks shouldn't be integrated with a calendar app, IMO. Use a different app for tasks. I use Gtasks.
Hi, the link you sent refers to the calendar event reminders. We - as well as other calendar app developers - are not able to integrate the Google Reminder Function. Even if we wanted, our hands are tied here.
Al Gator commented
@Kinsprit, my sentiments exactly. quite unfortunate, as I love BC2 and have been using it for many years
PCybele Muller commented
The ability to sync Google reminders with BC2 would be a great feature. If the developers refuse to develop a desktop or online version of BC2, and if users are forced to sync with Google if they want to access their calendar across devices, then at least develop features that are as comparable to Google as possible. Syncing BC2's tasks with Google tasks is weak and unreliable.
Kinsprit commented
Agree. I will be leaving BC Calendar 2 after many years for this reason.
임재하 commented
I need it too. plz
onkl commented
@Wouter: The google reminders are a sort of mix between calendar events and tasks. They don't belong to an event, but are a separate entry, like "Remind me to call x at 10 am". So far ta reminder behaves like an event.
However: They will automatically carry over to the next day until marked as completed, which is more like a task.
I can imagine it is quite difficult to implement, because it is not just a syncronization issue, but would also create a new concept/entity in the app.
Still, I would also like to see this implemented, since it looks like a useful addition to tasks/to do lists. -
Wouter commented
How is this different from events that are supported by BC2 for years? Calendar events have reminders, i.e. to tell you 30 minutes before that you'll have your dental appointment. What's new about this Google Calendar Reminders?
Imre Gergely commented
I'm really liking Business Calendar. I would love to see this option implemented. Thanks!
Marcin Lewkowicz commented
I would give 1000 votes if I can.
It's REALLY important feature because as other says Tasks are not stable enough (synchronization is getting lost too often).
Please implement. :) -
Jerimma commented
This is really essential to have in BC2! I can't see my tasks in my online calendar and I can't see my reminders in BC2...
malik commented
yes indeed especially with google home this is really needed.
Anonymous commented
Please, implement this, it becomes more and more important as people are going from Google Tasks to Google Reminders.
Once I went from using reminders instead of tasks, I went to using Google Calendar app.
I am occasionally checking to see if it is implemented ao I can go back to using business calendar.