Set a reminder for the END of an event.
Want to set a reminder for the END of an event so that I can be there in time to pick-up my kids when they are done w/sports practice, B-Day parties etc . Like start time, have the option to remind me, for example 30 min before the end or 0 min before the end.
Real Syntech commented
Ich möchte eine Erinnerung zu Beginn und/oder Ende eines Termines setzen. Wie geht das?
Beispiel: Termin von 7:30 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr. Ich möchte nur eine Erinnerung 30 Minuten vor Ende des Termines haben, um z.B. jemand um 17:00 Uhr irgendwo abzuholen. (Wie) Geht das?
Ich weiss, ich kann zwar einen Termin für 17:00 Uhr machen, aber die gesamte Zeit davor ist dann nicht ersichtlich.
Thomas commented
Is it possible to set a few unique signs in the Description field, from which BC2 does not draw the hint before the beginning, but to remember before the end?
It is technically not possible to integrate.
Billy commented
Under Settings->Reminder
Create an option that could be turned on or off, If option is on then reminder or snooze for reminder would continue reminding until you dismiss it.
The default for this option would be off so nothing would change for users who do not need this function.The reason this is needed is because if you don't turn device(for example I use a Samsung S10+ on pie) on until after the time a reminder or snooze for a reminder is set to notify then you don't get notified.
Petra commented
Einen Punkt sehe ich VERBESSERUNGSWÜRDIG: Erinnerungsmöglichkeit AM ENDE des Termins noch einbauen, wenn man z.Bsp. jemanden von dem Termin (Sport, Arzt...) abholen muss!! Damit es am Ende des Termins nochmal klingelt, optional.
Heiko commented
Ja das wäre mal eine sehr gute Idee und sollte umgesetzt werden. Habe viele Termine mit meinen Kindern, wo ich das zum Abholen brauche...
Anonymous commented
Just what I wanted the calendar to do yesterday!
Thomas commented
I should postpone the start of the appointment? Negative memories can not be set. Or at least; but how? -
Giov commented
as a intermediate workaround, you could make negative offsets to the event's start possible.
Eric Wise commented
When the end time nears you can set a alarm to alert you so that you don't go beyond the set time you choose. I like to see different time choices you can set for the end time.
Jan commented
I guess this is a duplicate of "notification of event end-time", which has 8 votes at the moment
fernmark commented
user selection could be in existig UI drop down, at bottom of list of x mins/days.
fernmark commented
Notification of event end-time. Events have a duration and I need to know when the duration is running out. For example, the notification might occur at 5 minutes before the end of the event. This allows me to ensure meetings end on time.
Helene commented
Couldn't this be accomplished by aiming at the end and using reminders to indicate the beginning of the event? Of course, it would be helpful if there were more than 3 individual reminders for cases like this.