Color coding whole days/weeks etc.
A simple example: I am planning to stay the next week in NY, then 8 days in Berlin, followed by 2 weeks in Timbuktu. Is there a possibility to implement a batch coloring mechanism which would distinguish these locations by differing backgrounds of the relevant days/weeks (and, obviously, tasks, events etc are then to be entered)? Yes, this could be managed via different (e.g.Google) calendars, but not everybody wishes to rely on syncs.
Maybe the option already exists (BCPro?) but I haven't succeeded in discovering it.
Thank you,

Ben Beattie-Hood commented
I think your can already do this in business calendar 2- just create an all-day task for the period you wish, then set the event to a custom colour
Jose Javier Perez Vera commented
Un patrón libre de colorear celdas (días de la semana) sería una ayuda genial para esta App que de por sí ya es muy buena.
rand.jc commented
I'd love it if the weekly and monthly views could have an option to highlight days that have all-day events. For example, give the entire day a non-default background color or a heavy left border.
Len commented
I would like to make individual days a different color so i could color all Dr. Appointment days to keep track easier.
Alexander commented
It will be really nice! If this request will be accepted and developed User may colors shifted workdays and days off with usual weekend colors. Public holidays (day off) also may be colored. It will really shift UX!
Greg Sullivan commented
It would be very helpful if all day events could be highlighted or shaded for the whole event, and not just a banner at the top of the screen in week view.
Avtar Ubbi commented
Currently you can only select a colour for each day of the week so for example Mondays might be pink but being able to select a colour for a specific date allows the user to add focus to a particular date. Eg a day with an important appointment in it might be highlighted to draw attention to it.
peter.schwieger commented
eigene Zeitlinie erstellen für z.B. Urlaubsplanung für Wochen-, Monats- und Jahresansicht. Ein horizontaler, beschreibbarer Balken der nicht den ganzen Tag belegt, sondern nur als Markierung dient. Gerade im Buisness Bereich (es heisst ja auch Buisness Kalender) ist es wichtig die Urlaubsdaten der Kollegen oder Mitarbeiter zu sehen.
Mike Saleske commented
Eigene Hintergrundfarbe für Feiertage, das diese sofort auffallen. Der Farbbalken ist zu unübersichtlich, zumindest für mich! Ständig plane ich Termine bei Feiertagen.
Anthony Haag commented
Custom day background colours.
Anonymous commented
Individually change the background color of a date. For eg. 15th of April is a holiday for our company and I want the background to be green etc.
Ralf commented
Damit Feiertage besser erkannt werden können, sollte man für sie auch eine Hintergrundfarbe für den Tag aussuchen können (wie bei Wochentagen, also Sonntag usw.).
Wolfgang June TinyWillow commented
It is even better if we can specify a background color for holidays.
Michael commented
Tage farbig Einfärben wie beim Schicht oder Urlaubskalender.
Gustavo LRR commented
Gracias por su atencion. les sugiero un cambio en el calendario mensual: poner cualquier dia elegido del color que se quiera, para por ejemplo poner los dias de vacaciones alternos y diferenciarlos del resto de dias, ejemplo: el dia 15, 16 y 18 de noviembre ponerlos en color rojo por ser de vacaciones.
un saludo cordial y gracias por su trabajo
Thank you for your attention. I suggest a change in the monthly calendar: put any day chosen the color you want, for example to put the days of alternative vacation and distinguish them from other days, ie the 15th, 16th and November 18th put them in red being on vacation.
a cordial greeting and thanks for your work
Hendrik Horn commented
Es wäre super wenn man Kalender bzw einzelne Termine speziell markieren könnte, damit diese nicht als normaler Termin angezeigt werden sondern als spezielle Markierung dienen.
Wenn man die Monatsübersicht verwendet könnten besondere Termine wie Feiertage oder Urlaub visuell hervorgehoben werden indem das Feld farblich hinterlegt wird oder die Tagesziffer eingefärbt wird.
So wird es übersichtlicher und wenn man Termine vereinbart legt man diese nicht versehentlich in seinen Urlaub oder auf einen Feiertag.
Ohne dass die Termine weiterhin angezeigt werden.Zusätzlich könnte die Information genutzt werden wenn neue Termine angelegt werden um im Erstellungsdialog eine Warnung anzuzeigen dass dieser Tag speziell markiert ist.
Michael commented
Jahreskalender einbinden und so Bearbeiten zu können, das man Tage farblich Makieren kann.Für Urlaubstage, Krank, Frei, u.u.u.
Rich commented
We have the option to highlight weekend days, but wouldn't it be great to be able to highlight days you have custody of your kids? This way you could look at your calendar and at a glance be able to schedule appointments without figuring out what day you have your kids. Or schedule a fun trip with the kids on days you KNOW you have them. So many times I have to cross check my calendar with my custody times and it sure would be simple to have it all in one spot.
Adam commented
I want to have the ability to color code weeks. For example, I work overtime on "A" weeks and I work normal hours on "B" weeks. I would like the ability to color code the calendar so all "B" weeks are one color that is different from "A" weeks. It's not an event that I have programmed into the calendar, just a view. The feature would be similar to options -> Business Calendar 2 -> Settings ->Theme & background color where you can change the the color of the days, but I would want to have the option to change alternating weeks. It would be nice to have not only the option for every other week but any schedule I chose (this feature exists for creating a repeating event) I believe this feature would also be visually appealing.
Thank you