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Business Calendar 2 (closed)

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455 results found

  1. Detailed notifications/reminderd

    Customizable detailed notifications such as which calendar the event belongs to, the location of the event, as well any notes I left for myself regarding the event.

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  2. Deadline time sync with google task

    BC2와 구글task는 마감 '날짜'는 동기화가 되는데 마감 '시간'은 동기화가 안 됩니다. 업데이트가 필요합니다.

    The deadline 'date' is synchronized with BC2 and Google task, but the deadline 'time' is not. An update is required.

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  3. Ability to "X" out previous days

    I'd like to be able to literally draw an X over all days in the past, or just give the option to X out individual days

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  4. I want alarm reminders on a few events

    I keep missing an event. Notifications don't get my attention. I need to get an audio and/or vibration on that particular reminder but not all reminders. If possible make it easy to add an alarm reminder if needed for this recurring event.

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  5. Fingerprint lock

    This calendar has some of the best layout and widgets, a fingerprint lock going into the app from the icon or the icon widget would be perfect to stop curious people form seeing what's on my day

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    Right now I'm trying to get Tasker to initiate:

    1. Click Top Left Hamburger Menu
    2. Click Calendars & Task lists
    3. Click Top Right 3 Dots
    4. Click sync now.

    This function has got to be relatively simple to put in a widget, ya? Just an icon that you press that syncs now. can stick it in your home screen and just click it whenever you want to sync your tasks between google and BC2, or whatever.

    This was declined in 2020:

    I wonder why. It would really make my life easier. I want to use Taskwarrior + Google Tasks => Business…

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  8. Be able to hsve the times shown from 2pm to 7am the next day

    I have been using this alendar app for at least the last 10 years. I have used it for everything. However I have come into an issue. I work third shift and 7 to 5am. And I sleep from 7am to 2pm. I was trying to set the times the calender shows to 2pm until 7am(the next day) but that isn't possible. Is there any way this could be added as an update? I can't see most anything I do because my calendar as it is only shows me sleeping mostly.

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  9. Creating multiple copies of reminders

    I currently use the "Copy multiple times" option to make multiple copies of reminders. For example, a reminder to take tablets at 11AM every day.

    Is there any chance your developers could consider adding some additional options when copying tasks multiple times please?

    At the moment I have to scroll through month by month and highlight the days I wish the task to be copied to, and this is a bit tedious, especially if it's a task that will be needed every day "forever"

    It would make things much easier if I had an option to say "copy to every…

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  10. The time of a task set in Google Calendar to be recognized

    I know that BC allowed setting up time, and this was done only locally, as the google calendar api did not allow for setting up time before.

    However, this changed last year in march and I can very well set the time of the task when creating the task through google app, but this time is not recognized in BC and vice versa. It's been already a year and a half since google introduced this change, but still BC does not recognize the time set via google calendar api. Why?

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  11. Option "Show tasks without due-date" in Agenda view

    Hi all,

    Now this option is present only in "Agenda widget" whereas is absent in Agenda itself. Please add this feature also to Agenda itself.


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  12. Please create a BC1 theme for BC2

    Since ages, I have installed both, BC1 and B22. I mainly use BC1, BC2 is only for reminders (because BC1 has a long existing bug with adding notifications).

    Whatever: the only thing that makes me keep BC1 is that it just looks better, especially the rounded boxes in the weekly view and the colors.
    I found a request added here 5 yeas ago ("Possibility to use BC1 theme in BC2"), with exactly the same thoughts. This was rejected without explanation and I wonder why.

    Is it that hard to just create a theme in BC2 with colors and corners to…

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  13. Google Erinnerungen integrieren

    Hallo, ich nutze sehr gerne Google Assistent. Leider kann sie nur Google Erinnerungen erstellen und (noch) keine Aufgaben. es wäre schön wenn die Erinnerungen auch in der Business Kalender 2 App bei unterstützt werden.

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  14. Confirmation dialog for marking Task as complete

    I am using BC2 pro version and I am wondering whether it is possible to add confirmation dialog for marking tasks as completed.
    It would be very beneficial to use this to avoid accidental selection which I would not notice or I would see it, but then would not know what task was accidentally marked as completed (in case there is a lot tasks marked as completed already).

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  15. Google Reminders

    Syncing and displaying Reminders from Google calendar would keep me from having to also check the GCal app, which somewhat defeats the purpose of BizCal2 and other 3rd-party calendars.

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    I would love to see multiple lines of an event in month view. The text should be able to wrap around for no less than three lines on one event. The size of the week should be flexible to allow for more size one week due to the multiple lines, and a smaller size a different week if there are fewer events.

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  17. Treat the first emoji in an appointment title as custom icon (emoticon)

    I love the custom icons (emoticons) feature in Business Calendar, but have been using the Google Calendar web view more recently, which obviously doesn't show the icons as they are proprietary to Business Calendar.

    This is why I now use the default Android emoji set to begin my appointment title with an emoticon - this will show up in all apps but unfortunately BC2 doesn't "promote" this emoji like it does with custom icons (meaning: separating it from the rest of the title and e.g. showing it as big image in the widget as well as in the week view)

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  18. Amek alarms audible in body speaker of the device

    BIG issue for all Android calendar users is to miss calendar alarms when sounds are connected to a headset and alarm is played in the headset on the table. This might not something Appgenix/BC can figure out but there definitely should be way to ensure that calendar alarms are played through device body speakers with same priority as phone calls are rang. Thank you for any solution to make us not miss calendar events for this reason anymore!

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  19. More than 5 reminders per task

    Sometimes there is a task, that should be done multiple times a day (e.g. hourly from 10am to 10 pm). For this I need 12 notifications to be set that is not currently possible. Now I need to create 12 different tasks and set up them separately.

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  20. I would like to know why you don't offer the option of customizing the calendar to use the Holocene Calendar HE or Human Era Calendar

    I would like to know why you don't offer the option of customizing the calendar to use the Holocene Calendar HE otherwise called the Human Era (HE) Calendar instead of the Christian Era CE Calendar? You offer many ethnic calendars but not one of a scientificly derived calendar offered by the HE calendar. Please add this option to your list of various calendars offered. Thank you for considering my request.

    You can find more info on the HE Calendar at the link below.

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Business Calendar 2 (closed)


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