Every instance of recurring tasks should show up on calendar
I need to see my recurring tasks represented each time they come due on the calendar. Presently only the very next instance of the task shows, which gives the false impression that I have free time, when in fact I have scheduled obligations. Can this be changed, to allow the user to specify whether ALL instances of recurring tasks show up, or only the very next instance does (which is the current, mandatory setting).

Filippo Costa commented
This is such an important feature and shouldn't be particularly hard to implement. It's making me reconsider using BC2 unfortunately.
Irene O commented
This is one of the most important features in a calendar/task system for me. Please escalate the development of this one.
Sven commented
I agree, it is very hard to plan ahead when the tasks do not show up. Sometimes I accidentally plan something where a recurring task is going to be, because it feigns having time available there.
Alex commented
When you set up a business meeting or a new task at a future date it is important to know all the tasks you will already have to do on that specific day, but with the current features you don't see any of the repeated tasks (ex: sending monthly report every 1st day of the month, track progress and make follow-up calls every two weeks on a project...).
So you might make appointments or plan new tasks without realizing you already have many things to do. -
mark commented
create the next occurrence and delete the task that has just happened rather than setting it to completed. You don’t need a trail of task completion for a recurring task, the trail is that the next occurrence of the task has been created.
Ryuu commented
And before I read this, I thought that was some kind of bug. It really confusing to not see the redundancy of task on the calendar view and sometime make me think that that is no task at all in the next few day...
James Carlyle-Clarke commented
Even better would be an option to choose between both ways.
Mike Laes commented
Make options as to when scheduled reoccurring tasks appear. For example, I want a task to be created every weekday at 10:00am. From others on this form, some wish a reoccurring tasks would show up when they were created so I think it concludes to add task scheduling abilities and options.
Anonymous commented
I have the same issue. When I create a recurring task, daily or weekly, the only entry that appears on my calendar is for the next day. This really isn't very useful. Is this a bug or something I'm doing wrong?
Jean Diehl commented
Each one does and always has shown up on my calendar when I tap the day.
Fa commented
the current implementation of task redundancy (which is the same as many other apps) seems very controversial to me:
if I create a recurring task I am essentially relying on business Calendar to create one (only one) task and then again relying on BC to create a new task each time I mark the previous task as complete.This is very unideal to me, and is causing me not to use the feature at all, as I am forced to always mark the task completed with BCalendar, because if I just for once -accidentally- mark one recurring task as completed from the web app, I break the recurring behaviour of the whole series.
Wouldn't it be better to create all tasks at once, so the redundancy is generated immediately? Or at least to give an option?