Multiple emoticons to appear at the bottom of each day in month view
In month view, currently, a maximum of one emoticon appears in the bottom corner of each day, which defaults to the emoticon of the earliest event on that day.
It would be great to have multiple emoticons be able to appear as there is space for at least three in a row at the bottom. If you have multiple events in a day, it would be a great way to get an idea of your events for the day in a quick glance.
The ideal scenario would be to give people the option for how many emoticons they wanted to be able to display in the settings (up to, say, 9 on three rows?). Or perhaps you could have the ability for 6 to show in two rows or 3 to show in one row, and then if there are more events with emoticons than that, have a plus sign at the end.
As it stands, in my opinion, the emoticons feature is good but incomplete. It could be a great way to get an idea of what kind of events are coming up in a quick glance, but only being able to see one means you need to take longer and have a look at individual events in each day, which kind of means there was less point in having the bigger emoticon at the bottom. As it is, its useful but not as useful as it could be.