Display a list of upcoming reminders, including those that have been snoozed.
Display a list of upcoming reminders, including those that have been snoozed. (with a button to disable/cancel/postpone the reminder)

Mike Albert commented
I miss this capability all the time. It's one of the very few features that was on Datebk5 on my old PDA that I still miss.
Mitch commented
First, I really want to say how impressed I am with the advanced snooze features you've added. I have been using "Calendar snooze" for a long time, but it has problems, and I would love to start using the native snoozing functionality. I have been a paying business calendar user for a long time.
Unfortunately, I can't quite drop the other tool yet, because your snoozed events don't survive a reboot of my phone. That is a non-starter for me I'm afraid. Let's say I put a reminder for my wife's birthday 2 weeks in advance. I will snooze that a week to remind me again. There is a great chance the phone wil be rebooted in that week and I lose my reminder. Snoozed events must survive a reboot, AND, I totally agree that a view to see and edit all snoozed events is very important.
There are many people looking for this advanced snooze functionality out there, and if you improve this just a little you can capture a lot of business.
Carl commented
This would be a great addition to BC2 - very surprised it hasn't been included already, especially since requests for a list of snoozed reminders started over 3 years ago. As has already been stated, it is a shame to have to resort to loading another app to snooze reminders just to be able to see a list in order to view, edit or delete outstanding snoozed events, when it would be so much better if this was built into BC2. Thanks.
Xavier commented
Hello, it's been one year now this suggestion was published. Will something like this be implemented in an upcoming version of BC2?
Dominique Fr. commented
Please add this useful function
Dominique Fr. commented
Would be great to have a function for listing the "snoozed alarms/reminders". In case you've snoozed some calendar alarms and you don't know anymore for how many hours you've shifted them, you'll get lost and you will get reminded at times you do not want to be reminded. In this case you are not able to change or delete them, nor you are in the Position to know by when the Alarm will fire. But maybe there is already a feature in place for doing so which I don't know?
Nigel Roy commented
I would like the capability to view a list of currently snoozed reminders. I would also like to be able to modify or delete any of these snooze reminders.
Ivan Lewis-Coker commented
I'm with you on that. This is why I use Calendar Event Reminder alongside BC, but it'd be nice to have just the one app letting you do this, as recently CER has become a bit unreliable.
Darek commented
Will it be possible to see snoozed events? For example if I snooze 3 events
then I don't know when the alert fires..suddenly.. -
Mike McDonald commented
Xavier commented
I would love to see a screen in Business Calendar where I can edit/cancel the snoozed events alarms.
Thank you. -
Jan commented
I'd like to be able to edit my snoozed events, even when they are currently not visible in the notification drawer. It would be cool to be able to open a list of snoozed events in the app, e.g. for further postponing multiple snoozing events to some later time.