Hide single events
Can we please have the feature of hiding events?
Picture this: there's an event on your calendar that is completely irrelevant to you, but you can't delete it. Maybe you share a calendar with several other people, and THEY need that event. Or maybe it's an imported calendar that you have no editing rights to.
The calendar per sé is important, and can't be hidden, but the event needs to go. How can we solve this? A hiding EVENTS functionality!
And, of course, it would be ideal if this applied to the app, the widgets, the notifications, etc...
The cherry on top: hide all instances or only one, for recurring events.

Michael Sinclair commented
Great idea !!
Nicolas De Smyter commented
Would be nice if we could have custom filters in the application and widgets.
I use widgets, and sometimes want to hide specific tasks/events from the view.
For example I have a daily meeting where I set the location I will be working at for my colleagues. But I don't want to see that meeting in the widget.
I would love to have a feature where I can filter the view based on a regex for a specific field.
For example: hide if title is /.*something.*/ -
Anonymous commented
I would like to have an option to hide events that are shared in a global calender, so that their are not edits in the shared calender.
I have a calender shared with 50 other people where not all dates are of relevance for me, but they are of relevance to others. i would like to have an option that allows me to hide the events from that calender in my business calender.
At the moment it is possible to cancel events, however, this amends the event in the caleder and as a consequence others also see the amendments. Thus this function is of no use to me. the only thing I could do is to hide the full calender, however, that is not very practical either also.
Henrik commented
Same request from my side: Filter on calendar entries (e.g. in the agenda widget) to hide appointments according to certain criteria (e.g. with the string BLOCKER).
Markus Lauff commented
I have many (often multi day entries) that I don't need to see on my mobile device (business calendar pro).
It would be great if these could be filtered. A simple approach could be to provide a list of words in the title that is used for filtering (e.g "vacation block preparation follow-up")
Thanks and warm regards,