Moon phases
I would appreciate the possibility to import a moon calendar showing full moon and new moon with the option to even show the exact time at the day in question.

Rudolf Koller commented
Symbol für Voll-, bzw. Neumond würde mir genügen
Matthew Billiodeaux commented
@Karsten Meier.... I think you are correct. At first when I read Raffelsiefen's suggestion, I thought "just import any lunar calendar into the app", but after reading your comment, the original post made more sense.
K.Zimmermann commented
Hätte ich auch gerne...............
Karl commented
bonne idee
Karsten Meier commented
What about moon calender?
As image...
Karsten -
Heiko commented
Ich habe in meinem Google Kalender den Mondphasenkalender abboniert. Ich hätte gerne das Feature die Mondphasen als Icon darzustellen.