Task Sync for Office 365 / Oulook
Google has the WORST Task API, without even offering a dedicated web page, so why is it the only task app that Business Calendar 2 will sync with?
Please offer syncing to office 365 tasks and others (wunderlist, etc.)
Anonymous commented
Hi, I too did not manage to sync MS Exchange/Outlook 365 tasks with Business Calendar 2. Great application otherwise, but that feature would help me a lot.
Hubert commented
I agree too. Office 365 support will be great !
Kate commented
I'm deleting this app because it lacks this functionality. It's worse than useless without Outlook task integration.
Karl commented
Really need this feature added. Please let us know if it's being planned??
Anonymous commented
Please add this support - a good inspiration could be Gogtasks pkugin for Outlook (foldet or category synchronization mode, syncing flagged mail items as tasks)
Anonymous commented
There are 81 "Stimmen2 for sync tasks with wunderlist; since wunderlist migrates to microsoft todo, they should be transfered here.
Anonymous commented
I can see the tasks in the default Calendar app for Android, but they are not showing in Business Calendar 2
Mats commented
I would deffenetly need to get my tsask synced , is that possibble of not from Exchange ?
Anonymous commented
I need this to make it worth keeping this app
Anonymous commented
Integration of Microsoft ToDo
Anonymous commented
Integration of Microsoft ToDo
Anonymous commented
And how do you do that?
SeSei commented
Possibility to Sync O365 Tasks with BC2
wim commented
Idea from the past .. but still more than valid!!!!
How is it possible you still do not support office 365
for me business and Google do not mix!
I do not want that Google peeks in all my data ... so a business calendar with only Google features and support.. not my cup of tea !
Add full ! 365 support and we're in bussiness
Looking forward
Nils S. Andersen commented
I'm having same problem.
I can only see local task list and when i try to add a new account it says its already added.
I can see all appointments in calendar from that mail account, but no tasks.
Mauricio Bocuzzi commented
Is it possible?
Josef Hajek commented
I have pro version, but due to non functionality with Office 365 I am not using BC2 right now.
Anonymous commented
It's crazy that this app does not have that functionality. It should be made clear as I purchased the app on the basis that it sync'd fully with exchange. Please add it as soon as possible.
Jemme Schurer commented
Yes!! I like to use Outlook tasks very much. It would be super when I could watch them in BC
Anonymous commented
Hi Luc, Thanks for your comment. Please could I bother you to expand the actual steps? IE which calendar?
Forever grateful if you can assist me.