Task Sync for Office 365 / Oulook
Google has the WORST Task API, without even offering a dedicated web page, so why is it the only task app that Business Calendar 2 will sync with?
Please offer syncing to office 365 tasks and others (wunderlist, etc.)

Bruno BARTHALAIS commented
C'est évident qu'il faut pouvoir synchroniser les taches entre Outlook 365 PC et BC2.
On ne peut pas échanger entre Microsoft To Do et Outlook 365 .
Merci -
Raphael Frey commented
Thums up!
Tay Li Sheng commented
I use my Outlook account much often as compared to Google. Please allow syncing Microsoft To-Do with Business Calendar 2. This will be utmost helpful!
Brad commented
Is there a workaround to sync Google tasks with MS Outlook Tasks?
bir kul commented
The app is syncning only the google tasks,but it does not sync.. the outlook tasks.Only calendar is syncing for outlook.
Trevor commented
I would appreciate functionality for the todo.txt format being supported. You can read about the todo.txt standard at https://github.com/todotxt/todo.txt
Calvin Love commented
I'm really surprised to see that this function is not available even after 3 years of your customers asking for it!
David Peck commented
I've been using Business Calendar 2 Pro for the last few years syncing to my Google Gsuite account and everything works perfectly.
I have recently switched to Microsoft Outlook (Exchange) as Google now want to charge for legacy Gsuite accounts.
I may be missing something, but I can find no way to sync Outlook tasks to Business Calendar 2. I know this is possible on Android because another app "Nine" (Folders) offers full Outlook exchange account syncing including tasks.
Please, please add this functionality to Business Calendar 2 Pro. I really don't want to switch to another calendar app as BC2 is otherwise perfect.
Mike Smile commented
Please assist to allow O365 tasks sync with BC2
Jan Neumann commented
Agree. Taskwarrior as one of the integrations would be amazing.
Wernfried commented
I found a solution, it's a bit hidden. In your Microsoft Outlook go to account settings (Office365 account). There you can enable "Sychronize calendar". Once you enabled it, your corporate Mircosoft calendar should also be available in Business Calendar 2.
I.R. commented
Microsoft To-Do is the exclusive task management app I use; having it integrated with Business Calendar would go a long way to validating my purchase of Business Calendar 2.
Heinz Strobel commented
Ich verwende Nine-Mail und dort wird die integration mit Outlook bevorzugt. Es wäre schön, wenn ich diese Aufgaben auch in BC sehen und bearbeiten könnte. Das wäre die letzte Verbindung zwischen Kalender und Mail.
Jede andere Task integration wäre natürlich traumhaft. -
md g commented
In my opinion Microsoft To Do is the best Task Service at the moment. Please allow sync with BC. Ppl should be able to select more than just Google for synced tasks.
Störm commented
Please include CalDAV-TODO sync - there are already sync providers via OpenTasks or DavX Sync which will work with lots of software and online task providers (such as Nextcloud, Zimbra etc...)
bege commented
For privacy reasons I neither use Microsoft nor Google to sync tasks. Please, add support for CalDAV task lists to enable BC2 users to choose their provider/own server.
See also here https://appgenix.uservoice.com/forums/280499-business-calendar-2-open/suggestions/6939116-alternative-event-task-provider-option -
bege commented
For privacy reasons I neither use Microsoft nor Google to sync tasks. Please, add support for CalDAV task lists to enable BC2 users to choose their provider/own server.
FrS commented
Warum ist es so schwer für Aufgaben eine Schnittstelle zur Verfügung zu stellen. Gerade für Unternehmen in Deutschland ist es wichtig die Datenschutzbestimmungen einigermaßen umzusetzen und nicht alles an die Krake Google zu senden. Gerade sie als deutsches Unternehmen sollten dies wissen. Wir haben die Pro Version gekauft und würden sie sehr gerne nutzen aber ohne Aufgaben ist sie nutzlos! Nun nutzen wir acalendar+ und es funktioniert gut! Je länger die App genutzt wird um so schwere ist ein Umstieg. Wenn sie nicht gewillt sind die Möglichkeit umzusetzen, wäre ein Hinweis sinnvoll, um nicht noch mehr Kunden zu verärgern, denn dieser Wunsch besteht ja wohl schon seit Jahren.
Anonymous commented
I want to be able to synchronize my calendar tasks with Exchange or my corporate account (Microsoft 365). I currently need the app "Microsoft To Do" for the to-do list.
Shreesha commented
Please let us know if this is something you plan to work on?