Google Tasks
Now, when Google Tasks can have time and can be recurring, will it be possible to synchronize their time and recurrence with Business Calendar 2? I was not using Google Tasks until now, but they seem to be usable now.

Derek L commented
Unfortunately, google tasks api prevents this.
Unless google fixes their API, google tasks will never show their time when it is due
Sadness... :(Source:"The due date only records date information; the time portion of the timestamp is discarded when setting the due date. It isn't possible to read or write the time that a task is due via the API."
Anderson Pereira commented
Google Tasks is more usable than ever, and still, BC2 seems to have stopped in time on this matter.
Regular tasks do sync.
But recurring won't -
Tobi commented
Any update here? I am a big fan of BC2 Pro and I am happy that there is now also a desktop verison on Windows 11.
Unfortunately, without the time sync funtion to Google Tasks, BC2 is for me useless on the laptop, becuase I can't sync my task list properly. -
Raymond YIU commented
Still not working? So weird. Dont want to look for another task app. But the failure of sync between Google Task and BC made me mad
Ideen85600 commented
This is crucial, why hasn't this been added already?
peter commented
Please implement this feature. It is so important.
Luke commented
@Ben, no it's not. I have just created a test task in Business Calendar 2 for 1pm, and when it synced with Google it shows me a task without a time in Google calendar.
Ben Beattie-Hood commented
I'm pretty sure this is already working for me in business calendar 2 - I think this feature request can be closed?
Luke commented
Guys, Robert already posted the api doc in august of last year:'s the hold up with that? That is not connected directly with sync api, and you guys need something else to make it work? It's already been a year and a half. Please adjust towards it already.
Alright. Thanks to your employee who pointed me out to the detail of the due field:
"Due date of the task (as a RFC 3339 timestamp). Optional. The due date only records date information; the time portion of the timestamp is discarded when setting the due date. It isn't possible to read or write the time that a task is due via the API."it's still not exposed by Google, which is weird since their own calendar do allow the time field to be populated. Ahhh, seems we have to wait :/. Google, for God sake...
Caub49 commented
Still in waiting :-(
Wonjun Gong commented
Still google's new API not published?
Robert commented
OMG, The Task-Feature is complete is close to be useless without the capability of an due-date. I can't understand why this wasn't fixed a long time ago :-(.
Anonymous commented
Any progress?
Hawk commented
Is this thread already open?
finn commented
Any Movement here?
Robert commented
Is there a workaround to sync to due date with time?
Hi, you could have already add time in BC and it has been always possible way before Google started supporting it (therefore they were not synced).
The problem right now is the sync. Until some weeks ago Google Tasks didn't support time or series. Now they do and surely the sync needs to be adjusted also in BC. Our developers have been already investigating it, but right now we cannot do anything about it since Google does not seem to have forwarded the latest changes to the publicly available API and continues not to publish it over the years. We keep on waiting until Google allows it, to adapt the changes.
KRK commented
Almost a year has passed since the author's post. When can we expect some response from Appgenix?
Mark S commented
Is there any updated to this?
KRK commented
Synchronization of all parameters for Tasks is what lack me to my happiness.