To customize all color of Business Calendar 2 pro.
Ability to customize all color of Business Calendar 2 pro.

maciej.pietruszka commented
I hate those Excel - like looking contrast frames
Id prefer to get rid off those frames or at least option to change color to the same as background - so they can go anyway... -
avi cohen commented
Same like calengo app
elise commented
What areas do you want to customize?
Gerhard Voigt commented
Schlage vor, in Theme & Hintergründe zumindest alternativ eine schwarze Schrift vorzusehen. Dann kann man die Einträge besser lesen. Dies ist vor allem dann der Fall, wenn man einen hellen Hintergrund wählt (z.B. Mother Nature). Danke vorab. Gerhard Voigt
jack commented
Used calengoo long time. When tracking lots daily events was great....entering agenda had marker line customize colors for last event you entered.
Anders commented
I want to change the fontcolour. Today is only gray available. Gray is not so clear,sharp.
Daca Otang commented
Color Blind ~ 8.4% of population is affected!
Please allow personal color settings.