Mute Button for Appointments
Tick box when creating a appointment to make BC automatic set the smartphone to mute when the appointment is nearly started. And unmute it when the appointment is over...

Eva Lind commented
Very important - I often need this option.
So now I have to do this manually - which I do -
Daniel Finger commented
As Samsung removed the feature to set Do not Disturb Mode on calendar Entry, I want BC2 to set and dismiss DND for appointments in a specific calendar.
Ro Rarosch commented
it's a must! please bring up this feature soon. ;)
Andrew Rossetti commented
This is the only feature that I feel is missing from this wonderful app! The ability to set a "show me as" status or other indicator would be incredibly valuable and useful.
Anonymous commented
I propose the possibility of prolonging this action between two events.
Todd Becker commented
+++++ Would love to see this added as a feature as well. I previously had a third party application that did an adequate job of this, but it is no longer available.
I would like to see this implemented by calendar and by 'Show Me As' status, so that I could say enable 'Do Not Disturb' for calendar A when Busy and Calendar B for Busy or Available.
Dan Cassidy commented
I'd like to add that this would be an amazing feature. It could potentially be tied to whether you are listed as busy or not during the event as well.
bege commented
To change the system profile when a calendar entry
- starts
- ends
- reminder startsThe alarm clock allows to change the system profile with the alarm ringing. LineageOS (other OSs also?) offers to create system profiles that set volume, airplane mode and many others.
If BC2 offered the feature described above I could automatically change to e.g. Meeting profile (very low message notifications, no phone calls) when the event starts, Cinema profile (airplane mode, everything silent) when the reminder for that event starts.
That would help to prevent such embarrassing moments as a ringing phone in cinema or concert.
Anonymous commented
This is the only thing keeping me using Blackberry calendar instead of Business Calendar. I entered the same idea then saw this one.
frtr commented
I would wish a function mode programmable silence by weekly schedule, or by the events of the calendar.
Lars Gusowski commented
I'd like to see this in the app to. BC2 is an great App and I love it. I know several people looking for an good calendar app which could solve complex and different calendars with more then one date at the same time and does have the feature do set the "do not disturb" mode
Yair commented
I made that functionality with Tasker. As an example I tell Tasker to watch the word "silence" in the event title and respond in consequence.
Mike Senkerik commented
You might be able to do that via the IFTTT app (apologies for other app refferencing).
It is basically a script hub that connects two apps/features to work on pre-determined actions - such as what you suggest.
Anonymous commented
i have an alternative to propose. Shush! app is great!
Vértesy commented
It would be great if I could setup automatic do not disturb options for an event. So it will auto mute the phone when the event starts and switch it back when it is over. Now I can do it only with external app.
Torsten Börner commented
Es ist doch besser nur ein Programm zu haben.
Bitte integriert diese Funktion. -
Torsten Börner commented
Bitte umsetzen!
Seit über einem Jahr wird das Feature verlangt.
Mein altes Nokia konnte das. -
Jack Stone commented
Would be great!
Roscket commented
Definitely would love this option. Not only mute ringing of incoming calls but also mute any notifications sounds. Should have option to permit vibrations to go through.
info commented
Es wäre praktisch, wenn man bei der Definition eines Termins gleich festlegen könnte, dass das Telefon in diesem Zeitfenster im Ruhemodus ist, oder nur vibriert z.B:. für Besprechungen und Unterrichtsstunden der Kinder.