i want to be able to export my Business Calendar to an excel spreadsheet.
Because when I do an export, the file shows up as empty on my SD card. Not sure why. Exporting to an email doesn't work either. I would like to export to an excel file so I can go bck and look at it whenever I want.

Request to provide an option in Agenda to show Saturday's and Sunday's like it is having facility in MONTH. It is useful when taking print out or saving in PDF.
Since beginning from using the BC2, I have been requesting, there must be one facility to show the BC2 MS EXCEL apart from Day, Month, Agenda.
gluca commented
Avere un interfaccia con Ms Excel è molto importante. Salvare il calendario eventi in Excel per poterlo vedere, elaborare, stampare, ecc... è una caratteristica che Business Calendar deve assolutamente implementare.
In attesa, saluti a tutti. -
The present BC2 is excellent calendar. I request you to implement even for MS Excel format for events of our events schedule in the BC to calendar
I have been using our Business Calendar Pro since several years, and the
Business Calendar Pro 2 using last few months. Without this calendar, my
life cannot go further in any day of legal work or my professional job.
Basically I am a an attorney/Advocate/legal consultant/standing counsel for
several organisations. You have also developed, upgraded and updated this
calendar software beyond expectations. Now I request you to further upgrade
to facilitate to view this Business Calendar Pro 2 in a MS Excel format or
export the calendar data to Microsoft Excel to view datewise, partywise and
discretion wise and subject wise. -
Bryan commented
I want to be able to add a line to an excel spread sheet and have that auto update to my calendar
Ann commented
Try iCal import export apk....for a better ics export.....
Ann commented
Use iCal import export apk.... free at goog.play...export your cal.with it. In file manager, find it and Send it to yourself. Import into gnumeric or excel. Etc.
stephandevignelafaye commented
Allow to export selected calendars with date range excluding days of week on exel