Automatic Backup
I'd like to be able to automatically backup my calendar, tasks, and options to the SD card. Right now every night I do a manual backup (i.e. export) of each of these, but that's an unreliable and intrusive way to be sure I have a current backup. I'd need to be able to specify what's backed up just as I do now with the manual export. Others may prefer backing up to a different location such as G-Drive or DropBox.

David T. commented
Its a must. You have to do IT.
Volker Strönisch commented
Fully support this idea! Automatic backup with the choice of backup Intervalls and selection of calenders / task lists would be a great improvement!
Marcin Kwater commented
That's a fan fantastic idea. Currently I see no option of automatic sync of tasks (including time of the event) or settings. It really was a disadvantage as I was changing my device without having access to the old one
Excessive user commented
I recently faced a second data loss within around eight years. As it is time-consuming to do manual backups of 17 local calendars, my latest calendar backups are one year old. Any other saved mobile data available including any backup-files is automatically saved on a regular basis. - It would be great advantage to have the proposed automatic backup-option included to this otherwise best calendar app in the market!
Michael G commented
Please add this feature!
Anonymous commented
If one can’t sync the Local Calendar to an online account… would you please consider to at least add a function (in your future updates) to the ‘import /export’ option whereby we can set up anco either the phone or preferably to the phones SD Card or any other external device, or perhaps Cloud Storage (ie: icloud, 1drive, google drive, etc) please. An option where we can select daily, weekly or monthly backups… just to make life easier over regular manual backups so we don’t get any nasty surprises, lol. -
Wouter Smit commented
This is so much needed! I just lost 1.5 month worth of tasks due to a device crash and BC2 stopped syncing 1.5 month ago without me knowing about it.
Shiv commented
Very much this. I’d like to be have BC2 automatically back up my tasks, at least, every night to Google Drive. Right now it’s just one malfunction or mistake away from losing all my carefully entered details.
Xavier commented
Some apps are not able to create events into Google calendar and save the events to the "local" android calendar; ie "My Calendars" in Samsung Galaxy S9plus-like phones.
We want ability to autoimport this local calendar and automatically add changes into Google Calendar, so that we do not need manual export, import and also, the calendar is save if something happens to the phone.
Thomas commented
I'm also pro the automatic backup function. Yesterday I accidentialy deleted a shared Google calendar and the only way to restore it was a backup with BC2 on a device that had not synced at that time. If there was an automatic backup, I would feel much safer, since such accidents wouldn't be a complete desaster.
So a backup to SD (or cloud of choice, however I prefer local backups) that happens automatically every day or so would be great! -
Jon Moore commented
From what I understand, tasks cannot be fully synced through Google Tasks etc because it can't carry the reminder information, etc.
Why not create a custom format file in Dropbox or Drive that carries all the information from Business Calendar tasks? That way everything is preserved and there's no need for everything to get complicated
Bob Vark commented
newer apps store their settings in google drive.
Paul Kröher commented
I also want to have the possibility to store my calender Data automatically direkt to my SD Card on my Handy. Every Day. Because I am not working with Outlook or Google
At the moment I make it sometimes manual. I try ical, but when need to install the backup back, sometimes i missed calendar dates. icall did not save birthdays The backups from BC2 are better.
Please make it automatically possible. -
Garedafloe commented
Also my simple wine app allows to automatically export to SD Card, Dropbox and Google Drive. I don't see, why this app does not ensure to sync and save ALL data, that is managed by this app.
Wido Nägele commented
I want to have the possibility to store my calender Data automatically direkt to my SD Card on my Handy. Every Day. Because I am not working with Outlook or Google ....
Marco commented
An AUTOMATIC CLOUD BACKUP of all settings (of all calendars, widgets, app settings and so on) and of all tasks and sub-tasks is REALLY IMPORTANT. This is very important because even if you use Google calendar the app settings aren't synchronized (and you know, there are lot of settings to manage) but the most important reason to have a cloud backup is that SUB-TASKS AREN'T SYNCHRONIZED WITH GOOGLE CALENDAR, so if you loose your phone or someone steals it you LOOSE ALL SUB-TASKS. Hope the developers find a solution to this very big problem (to big to let you use Business Calendar in a business environment).
Ann commented
As you backup to SD, there is a file timestamp with its size. I take every days backup and email, to myself, essentially a days email at a time and keep them.
Anonymous commented
As the trend is going to more than one device I would like to have an automatic sync of program settings across devices via cloud service or NAS. I'm not thinking about the synchronisation of calendar entries or tasks but BC's own program settings more or less an automatic version of export/import activities offered already. If for example a new calendar is activated for display or setting for entering new appointments is changed on device A it is automatically updated also on device B with the next sync to have the same user handling no matter which device is used. This options should be made optional for those who intentionally require different settings on different devices (private and business use etc.). Do you think this is feasible?
Emil commented
If you use local calendars you have to manually backup calendars separately to sd card, it would be great if app could have auto backup to cloud/
Simcha-Yitzchak Lerner commented
If your calendar is a Google calendar, it's already stored by Google and therefore safe if your device is lost, stolen or dies.
If you want this as a way to restore your calendar to a prior state, how would you want it to treat changes (additions, deletions or edits) upon restore?
Without knowing WHY you want to save to Google Drive, it's hard to know whether to vote for this or not.