Hide "No Events" message in widget
What do you think about an option to suppress the "No Events" message in
I'd prefer my widget disappear when there are no events.. This year I'm trying to be better about remembering the birthdays and anniversaries of friends, so I added a widget for my Birthdays calendar. It tells me the events for the next few days. If there aren't any, it just says "No Events". I'd like the widget to be totally blank when there are no events to show.

Mike ⠀⠀⠀ commented
Yep, that's sounds great.
Tom Howard commented
I would rather see a blank screen if i have no events scheduled instead of the words "No Events" on my home screen.
fantbox commented
Greg Coleman commented
It would be so great if you guys added this toggle option or just entirely removed the 'No Events' message from widgets. It totally messes up my home page design. Besides, it serves no real purpose. If the widget is empty isn't that already a good enough indication that I have no events coming up? Thanks! Your app has been my favorite for years. It is virtually flawless, but for this little feature.