Customizing calendar background colors
Do you want to differentiate various elements of your Business Calendar 2 with colors? Should it be the current day, weekend, weekdays or next & previous month, to all of them different colors can be assigned. To customize the colors of your agenda, please open BC 2 → Settings and go to → Theme & Background colors.
You will notice various color boxes here. You can click on every single one of them and you will be able to change the colors whether by electing one from the list or by choosing your own → Custom Color.

Please note, that you will immediately be able to see the applied changes in the preview in the upper part of the screen.
Hint 1: Please remember, that the weekday color settings do not directly apply to Agenda View. If you want them to apply, you will need to activate the option in the → Settings → Views → Agenda → Colorize days.
Hint 2: If you have the pro version, you can customize your calendar with various themes and colorize further elements of the app. More information here.