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How to get the beta version of Business Calendar 2

Google allows developers to publish apps in an early development phase, called alpha or beta versions. Such apps are not release-ready yet and therefore they may contain critical or non-critical problems. A beta app is in a more advanced developer phase than an alpha app, but still is not finalized.

Beta users can get a first impression of new features and can provide valuable feedback for the further development and bug fixes. This way we can quicker narrow down the potential issues and altogether release the official update sooner.

To access the beta of BC 2 in the Google Play Store you have to add our Business Calendar 2 to the apps you want to get early access to first. When you join the beta test, you can then automatically download new beta versions of Business Calendar 2 in the Google Play Store as soon as they are published there.

1. First of all please open the Play Store App on your Android device and make sure, that you use one of your desired Google accounts.

2. Click on   → My Apps & Games

3. Please click → Installed tab and open Business Calendar 2

4. Scroll down to → Join the beta and click on the Join button and confirm the access. Please remember, that it may take a few seconds until everything is arranged in Play Store. 

Hint 1: You will recognize that you are currently testing beta by the app's icon. You will see a little "β" symbol in the lower right corner of the icon. If you don't see it, it means there is either no beta currently available or you need to install the beta update from Play Store.

Hint 2: If you want to leave beta, proceed as above and click on the Leave button in the beta section.

We also created a separate Google Group, which will allow you to share the beta feedback directly with us. Here is the link to the group:

If you feel like giving us comments on the beta updates, please become a member. We really appreciate your help!

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