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Setting standards for new events, tasks & birthdays

Creating a new event or task is a rather complex process with a lot of different details. Some users like to create events with individual details, while others create multiple with similar properties. Therefore you can set default properties for new events and task to simplify this process.

1. Open the Business Calendar 2 navigation drawer and hit → Settings

2. Tap on → Standards for new events/tasks

3. There are different properties of the input mask to individualize the event/task creation process, i.e. the → Event length

Hint 1: Please note, that you can set up separate reminders for all-day events and tasks. If you want to them to be fired on that particular day, select → Custom and choose ‘0’ days before event and your favored time afterwards.

Hint 2: If you set up a custom reminder for your birthdays, it will also apply to you “old” entries. However, this is not the case, if you set up a reminder for events and tasks.

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