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Using the Year View

The Year View gives you a quick overview of entire year. Furthermore the integrated heat map gives you an idea of how "busy" you are. As per screenshot the redder the day, the more events or the more time of that day is planned. It may help you to select room for other events more efficiently.

Hint 1: You can change the colors of the heat map in the Settings ­→ Views  ­→ Yea ­→ Color theme.

Hint 2: Directly in the view you can disable the heat map completely. Just click on the ­menu icon ­→ hide heat map.

Switching between 6 and 12 months

If you are looking for a biannual view you can tap the 6-month-button at the top of the screen. Now the formerly small events are more accessible.

Creating a new event

There are two different ways to create a new appointment within the view. First you may use the add-new-event-button at the top right of the screen. In the second place you can click on a specific day to open a small pop-up-window. This pop-up comes with a tiny plus-button. Clicking it will open the input mask for new events. Finally you can use the FAB, to add new event/task, if set accordingly up.

Editing an event

To edit an event just look for the event you want to modify and tap the corresponding day. In the pop-up-window perform a long-tap on the event and the edit screen will open immediately.

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