Option to collapse, expand sub tasks
It would be great if there was an option to hide sub tasks. Only need to see parent tasks.

John M commented
Ability to expand/collapse subtasks in month view
Jose H commented
This is the first and only thing i miss in the Pro Version!
Валерий Ялдыгин commented
This is how I see it.
In Tasks view, an option to hide all subtasks / show all subtasks (expand
all / collapse all) is highly needed. Besides an option to expand and
collapse individual tasks is needed. -
Bob Tewilliger commented
Is this happening or has it happened and I just can't work it out?
I cam here from Any.do....BC2 is by far the superior option. But I do miss collapsible subtasks -
nana commented
I use subtasks pretty often. One view with main task and many subtask clutter the sceen. It would be nice if we could get a view (folded view) where only main tasks are shown and not the sub-tasks. It is important for my daily use.
Also, subtasks and main task should have different fontsize...Hope to get your feedback.. and votes....
Ulli commented
Das möchte ich doch gleich mal aufgreifen.
Es ist wirklich eine schöne App, aber das man die Unteraufgaben permanent mit angezeigt bekommt, macht es mitunter sehr unübersichtlich
Andrew Gaydenko commented
Let's separate visually task and it's subtasks!
It can be indent, font size, less contrast, another background color - anything you like. I would use indent and smaller font.
Kam M commented
I would like this option in the task & day view.
Anonymous commented
I wud also support having the feature of collapsing subtasks ... makes screen more clutter free without compromising with idata.
Михаил Дорофеев commented
Subtasks is a great feature, collapsing and expanding subtasks would be The Best feature!
Thomas Mittelstaedt commented
Subtask Just occupy too much space especially in widgets.
Christian Köhler commented
In the Task you can´t hide the subtask. If you cange that it would be easyer to see, what is to do.
Im Aufgabenmenü kann man nicht die Unteraufgaben ausblenden, bei vielen Unteraufgaben verliert man hier in den Listen die Übersicht. -
TM commented
Would be perfect but I have no votes left... :/
Mike Albert commented
I'd definitely use this. For me the benefit of sub-tasks should be to take less space on the screen but that doesn't happen now. My task list can get big and hiding sub-tasks would help.
abba commented
+1 for indentation.
Emanuel Frey commented
I would be great to be able to collapse the subcategories of a task.
Having tasks with many su-tasks makes it difficult to keep an overview. -
James Carlyle-Clarke commented
Agreed. Currently the 'indent' is just hiding the task's colour box, which is not helpful. Better would be to actually keep the colour box and properly indent both the box and the task's title.
kunzuilh commented
It would also be interesting to indent subtasks (like in widget), not to be confused with the main tasks.
Nick commented
Yes please to this suggestion. Saves screen space
Katerina Exilze commented
I would like if it is possible to add the possibility to hide subtasks on task list view and on task widget view. Because I wrote the super market list for example and I see all the things I want to buy. Or put the option to add a checklist.