Recurring tasks repeat from completed date OR from due date (like in BC1)
Bruce Baratz commented
Planned since last July. How much planning time do you need?
Anonymous commented
This issue is a showstopper for changing from business tasks (which btw seems to be dead) to business calendar 2.
Danny Sauer commented
This is the single reason that I'm annoyed at upgrading to BC2, and the most likely reason I have to go to a different task manager. It's been a long time since it was said that this would be coming "soon"...
Daniel commented
I look forward to this ability being added!
Michael Piz commented
I'd like to add my support for this feature. Thank you.
Carrie Irving commented
We require that all tasks that are repeated daily, weekly, etc. show up on each day whether or not they are completed. Is this the same thing as referred to above?
Talya Mazor commented
YES! I need this or I am going back to the old version. When will this be made available?
Ueehhgert commented
And it would be important to set this option for each task instead of one global setting.
Yvonne Palfoeldi commented
Bitte bei den Aufgaben in den Wiederholungen wieder die Funktion "nach Erledigungsdatum" möglich machen. Danke.
Michael commented
Quite important for all the little stuff. Like watering flowers. If it is overdue for a few days, the next recurring task should be repeated from comleted date, otherwise you flood your flowers, ;-)