Home Time Zone
Add the option to lock a home time zone so that all appointments and tasks do not shift when traveling. This would allow you to create appointments and not worry about where you are when you set it, and where you will be when it happens. I know you can already set a time zone for each appointment, but a master lock to always use home time zone is nice. Google Calendar and others have this already integrated.

Frank McDonald iii commented
Yes, this feature is a must for those who travel for a living. Trying to figure when your appointment is back home when you are traveling through multiple time zones I'd very cumbersome and can lead to major mistakes. Is this feature available yet?
Jon Berger commented
It doesn't look like the company is in any hurry to implement this one, but for what it's worth, there's a workaround, that basically involves locking the time zone on the entire phone. The specifics probably vary from one Android system to another, but on my Galaxy S5, I can go to Tools->Date and Time, uncheck "Automatic time zone," uncheck "Automatic date and time," and then use "set time" to manually set the clock to the local time. Basically, I've now told the phone that it's still in my home time zone, but that it's now a different time in that time zone. The calendar times don't change because as far as BC2 is concerned, it's still the same time zone it's always been, but now my clocks look right -- and, most importantly, my alarm-clock app will wake me up at the right time.
I still wish I didn't have to do this, but the fact that I can makes this feature somewhat less of a deal-breaker. Still. Seriously, how hard can it be?
Nate commented
Jon Berger, that is exactly what I have issues with. It has been in this forum for almost exactly 1 year now, it has said "under review" for several months now. I gave up and bought Calengoo and couldn't be happier! All of the features actually work. It almost has too many to sort thorough is the only downfall. Not as simple as BC2, but I can't wait anymore.
Jon Berger commented
I cannot possibly over-stress how crucially important this feature is. I just installed BC2, and it didn't even occur to me that it lacks this feature, but frankly, now that I know, I'm seriously considering un-installing it, despite the fact that I love absolutely everything else about it. I use my calendar to enter times of plane flights, and if they're going to shift by 8 hours every time I visit the UK, I'm going to be missing planes. PLEASE implement this feature. Seriously. Your app is damn near useless without it.
I'm somewhat surprised to see that this request has been pending for close to a year now. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY BASIC STUFF, GUYS. Every other calendar app has this feature. You need to prioritize this.
Anonymous commented
Didn't realize how important locking the home time zone until I traveled and found my calendar completely messed up when I returned home. I now regret having paid for this, and will not use another calendar without this feature. Too bad, because I found the calendar easy to use and update.
Marco commented
Please add this.
It is difficult to explain but trust me, it's a total disaster syncing the agenda with Outlook when moving through different timezones.
Please add the option to lock home timezone.
Easy and risolutive -
Goff commented
One more cry for the time zone lock. What IS the problem?
Marco commented
Absolutely necessary!!!
Marco commented
It is a must to have
Brian commented
100 votes reached! As so many others have requested this basic feature, would you please just add it?
Tommy Kang commented
Yes, this is quite basic features which is available in other calendar apps. Please kindly add in the features. My fight details always wrong due to different time zone and once I overlooked it and nearly missed my flight as the notification did not appear.
I will purchase the full version if this feature is in.
Andrew Shulman commented
This is ESSENTIAL for anyone who travels from any time zone to any other. It is ridiculous that this app has not instituted it yet. EVERY other app I tried, even the stock app, has it. If you do not include it in an update within 7 days I will ask for my money back from the Play Store as this is unusable unless you are nailed to your perch...
Peter commented
I have just voted on feature which would allow entering start and end tome zones (for flights). But this solution works as well, maybe even better. I do see, however, the benefits to have the ability to enter the event in destination time zone and having it displayed in local time. (Let's say you have a request set for teleconference in London time but you're in New York)
Jason Jacobs commented
Please add this feature asap- it will help immensely:)
Chris Nastri commented
This shouldn't be up for voting. It should have been included in the app since it was created like every other calendar app. It's just common sense. No one wants there times all switched around when they travel. Do you guys not use the app yourself?
Gary Pittard commented
It appears to me that if you develop a calendar app, and you have to make a statement like the one above, "Add the option to lock a home time zone so that all appointments and tasks do not shift when traveling. This would allow you to create appointments and not worry about where you are when you set it...", then clearly the calendar does not work for travellers. Nobody is listening to users with this problem. Time zones do not belong in calendars. Why don't you be the first to do the smart thing and remove time zones altogether?
Richard commented
Working and living in one zone I have no need to change.
It is all too easy to change rendering the entry somewhat useless.
Got caught yesterday and was rather embarrassed.
Surprised to find reason and then not be able to hide or disable the time zone. -
Mike commented
The whole business of times on appointments is always confusing on smartphones as you never know whether it is going to automatically adjust the time for summer/winter of when moving between time zones.
If, in January of a year when I am in London, I enter an appointment to meet someone at 2PM on a date in August in Berlin I will always want it to show 2PM. I do not want it adjusted due to summer time and/or CET/GMT.
Effectively my appointments are in Phone-Local-Time ie in the local time wherever the phone is at the time of the appointment. Obviously if the phone is not where it was expected to be then I will probably miss the appointment, but that would happen anyway as I would be difficult to attend a meeting in Berlin if I was still in London.
GLT commented
I fully support this request. This feature is already available in the standard Android "S planner".
Shaun Breidbart commented
This really looks bad for this product- the stock google calendar has this feature but the one I paid for does not? I'm in NY- if someone tells me to meet them at 3 PM in California I just want to enter 3 PM and have it say 3 PM no matter where I am. That's how paper works, no reason a computer should be different.