After setting appointment having the calendar go to that appointment as opposed to back to the current date
When setting an appointment on your calendar, after I save it, the calendar immediately goes back to the current day in my agenda.
For me this is not optimal, as a feature my previous calendar had is that when setting an appointment, after saving it, the calendar would immediately go to the day and time of the appointment in my agenda mode. The reason this was better is that in some cases I would not enter the date, the time or any other information correctly. By going to the appointment date that I just set in my agenda as opposed to back to the current day, allowed me to immediately double check the appointment I made to make sure there are no errors. Then I could just hit a button to go back to the current day.
By going to the current day after I save the appointment, if I want to check if everything was properly recorded, this adds the more tedious task of then having to search to find that appointment. I just find that less efficient and even worse, if I accidentally enter the wrong date, it then becomes a guessing game of seek and find to try to figure out which day that appointment was wrongly set for. In addition, if I don't double check the newly set appointment, and the date or time is wrong, I end up missing the appointment.
At the very least, a feature like this should be left to the discretion of the app user as opposed to being given no other option but having the calendar go back to the current day.
I'm hoping you can add this feature/option as soon as possible!