Week and agenda view combined
I like the week view where I can see my appointments and events one day per column. However, often the time of the events are so spread out that I need to have long days between the time
when the day start to the time when the day ends.
For instance, I can have a flight at 5am, then checking in in the hotel at 12noon, then an appointment at 4pm, dinner at 7pm, flight back home at 9.30pm. In order to see all this you would
need to have your day starting at 5am and finishing at 10pm at least, but having those early and finish times are needed only in that particular day, the rest of the week you start at normal hours of 8am etc.
It would be neat to have a view that it's a combination between week view and agenda view where you have a column per day and in the day, each column behaves as an agenda, where you have
the list of the events of the day with the starting and ending time of each, followed by the next event, not empty hours between an event and the next, as it is right now with the week view, wasting space in the screen.

Try using the month view for that purpose. Just set it up to show 1 week only in the text mode.