Event serie: repeat on every working day X in the month
als Wiederholung von Terminen wäre es super die Option "jeden X Werktag im
Monat" einzufügen z. B. Um zu sehen wann bestimmte Rechnungen abgebucht
You can already set it with daily repetition. Just choose Mo.-Fr. to repeat on.
Luke commented
Could you please add the option to create reoccurring option for events and tasks for the last calendar and last working day of a month? Google calendar does not have this feature normally, but apparently a script can be used to achieve it like described here:
https://support.google.com/calendar/thread/11786361?hl=enMaybe it's possible using their api to inject this type of reoccurrence when creating new events and tasks through business calendar.
Anonymous commented
Nicht nur dafür, genau das suche ich, Business eben. Also suche ich weiter und werde Business Calendar 2 wieder deinstallieren.