Ability to choose individual Reminder notification sound
My desire for Business Calendar 2 is similar to the posted idea "I would like to have seperate on/off for tasks and seperate notification sounds", but I think not quite the same.
I would like the ability to choose an individual Reminder notification sound. All calendar events could have a default sound as set in Settings ==> Reminder ==> General, but each event could be altered to choose a different Reminder notification sound.
I find that over time, I don't always hear the default Reminder notification sound. A lot of times this is okay, but for events that are more important, it would be really helpful to hear a different sound (maybe louder, or longer playing, different so that my brain doesn't tune out, etc.).

Richard Trumbore commented
Add Text to Speech alarm option. For example, When alarm fires, whatever is in the Description field would be read aloud, Have an option to read the appointment time either before or after the description. For example: "at 10 am" then read aloud what's in the Description field. Or opt to speak the time after the description.
Also, consider adding an option to speak: "you have [x minutes] remaining before your appointment." at the end.
You can do it in calendars & task lists - pencil icon
Sawuwaya commented
This concept of having a General Notifications Category under the main Android App's Notification settings (in this case BC 2 does NOT have one) has been available since Nougat (Android OS 7) has been around. This option and feature should have been implemented awhile ago.
Mark commented
Let's consolidate our votes into this idea: https://appgenix.uservoice.com/forums/280499-business-calendar-2/suggestions/17284967-select-ringtone-o-notify-for-each-event
Mark commented
Let's consolidate our votes into this idea: https://appgenix.uservoice.com/forums/280499-business-calendar-2/suggestions/17284967-select-ringtone-o-notify-for-each-event
raymm commented
I want to be able to attach a voice recording for an alarm, so the alarm will run the voice recording at alarm time - for example: "Doctor's appointment in 10 minutes."
Юрий Ганевский commented
I need a melody or sound for each event or group of events with the ability to record from a microphone.
Orhan Keskiner commented
I would like to add a special reminder for the selected event. Maybe a special sound, popup show or not show, send email or not send etc..
Kamil ble commented
Please, add option to set different sound for repetitive reminders. If sound of repetitive reminder is the same as new event reminder it is confusing. After reminder plays sound I don't know if it is new event or old event reminder.