Business Calendar 2 (closed)
536 results found
Allow the user to define an event by length
Instead of the user having to calculate an event end, let them choose the event length, and the application will automatically calculate the time and date of the end.
1 vote -
Benachrichtigungen Pop-Up in Statusleiste nicht nach Terminende automatisch ausblenden
Ich nutze den Business Calendar auch als to-do Liste. Wenn ein Termin als Benachrichtigung in der Status-Leiste angezeigt wird und man selbst nichts ändert, dann bleibt dieser solange in der Taskleiste stehen bis zum Ende des Termins. Wenn der Termin zu Ende ist, dann wird die Benachrichtigung automatisch ausgeblendet bzw. verschwindet.
Gibt es eine Einstellung, das der Termin oder die Aufgabe auch nach dem Ende noch als Benachrichtigung in der Statusleiste bleibt und nicht automatisch ausgeblendet wird, sondern erst ausgeblendet wird, wenn man es manuell wegwischt.
1 vote -
Android night mode
let theme follow system so when android auto light/dark mode is enabled the widget adjusts its theme accordingly
35 votes -
Add Onedrive to the supported cloud services for attachments
The new add attachment to an event is a great new feature. My only wish is to have Onedrive added as one of the cloud serives that can be used.
22 votes -
1 vote
Allow to search for untimed tasks
The current search only finds tasks with a due date.
lot of my tasks dont hsve a due date, as they are just reminders to be done whenever is Time for it.i would request to extend the search (maybe optionally) for tasks without a due date
4 votes -
Tasks on completion day
My tasks automatically rollover the next day if they not completed. When I mark tasks as done they move back to day they are assigned to.
I'd like to see an option in the settings to automatically change the task day to the date when they are completed, because I want to know when I completed past tasks rather then when they were created.
1 vote -
Add multiple reminders to birthdays
Add the capability to have multiple reminders to all birthdays in the dedicated options.
Use case: I am godfather to two children, also there are several children in my circle of friends. For them I need some time to find and deliver a proper present. Therefore I would like to be notified two weeks in advance AND on the actual birthday.
1 vote -
Double tap and edit text?
Can't we double tap and edit text? I used to do that in week View all the time in an app called Weekcal when I had an iPhone. It never opened a new screen, remained on week View.
If it's not there, certainly a feature you must add 👍
2 votes -
Make OnGoing notification look nicer
Currently, the ongoing notification doesn't look very nice, and it only show one event at the time.
It would be nice if the ongoing notification looked like Calendar Notify (
(and unfortunatly calendar notify doesn't support task so I can't use it)
2 votes -
Rounded corners on Events
Please can you bring back rounded corners on events.
I find events much easier on the eye and easier to read when they have rounded corners.6 votes -
I would like to set annually reminders that will be in the same Hebrew date every year.
I would like to set annually reminders in my calendar (birthdays, death dates etc.) that will be in the same Hebrew date every year, which is different from the Gregorian date, that the reminders are set according to it today .
That means that; e.g., instead of alarming in every June 5 it will alarm every 2 of Sivan, which are different in each year.1 vote -
Week and agenda view combined
I like the week view where I can see my appointments and events one day per column. However, often the time of the events are so spread out that I need to have long days between the time
when the day start to the time when the day ends.
For instance, I can have a flight at 5am, then checking in in the hotel at 12noon, then an appointment at 4pm, dinner at 7pm, flight back home at 9.30pm. In order to see all this you would
need to have your day starting at 5am and finishing at 10pm at…1 vote -
Warning when time already scheduled
Thought the original Business Calendar did this, but 2 didn't warn me that I already had an appointment at the same time. I don't always have time to open the app to check - it would be great if, during adding an event, BC2 would at me know I have a preexisting or overlapping event already scheduled. Thanks!
1 vote -
Anhänge bei Aufgaben
Die Möglichkeit bei Aufgaben Anhänge anzuhängen. z. Bsp. Bilder, PDF's usw. Vielleicht noch zusätzlich eine Kategorie URL
3 votes -
I want to be able to strike-through appointments
I guess you understand😜
1 vote -
Select tasks lists in widget
In the current implementation of the Tasks widget, the only options are All Task Lists or Personal task list. I'd really like to have the option of selecting "Like in App", and/or being able to manually select the task lists shown in the widget.
1 vote -
report des tâches
J'apprécie énormément votre application que j'utilise plusieurs fois par jour.
Je pense qu'il serait bien de développer une fonction de report.
D'un simple clic, cela permet de reporter au jour suivant une tâche qui n'a pas été réalisée.
Qu'en pensez vous ?1 vote -
Termin automatisch verschieben nach Ablauf
Hallo und einen schönen guten Tag!
Ist es möglich eine Option/Button einzupflegen, mit der/dem man bestimmte Termine automatisch verschieben kann, wenn sie abgelaufen sind? Danke und viele Grüße !1 vote -
Synchronization privacy
I used this calendar in particular to shift from google's calendar,
I would like the calendar to focus more about privacy away from synchronization with Google accounts or should sync to a private server I choose or of your own.1 vote