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Business Calendar 2 (closed)

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536 results found

  1. The event creation page shouldn't close if I switch to another app and back

    If I try to add an event, then switch to another app (to check the address of the place, get email of the attendee, etc.), page for the event creation is closing.
    Which means I need to know and remember everything when I enter the creation page. That's not very use friendly

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  2. Cancel Subscribed Events

    Canceled Events is great. However, I want to be able to cancel events on subscribed calendar on BC or linked from Google and have them stay canceled after the calendars sync. Right now they show canceled/hidden right after you cancel but appear the next sync. I need to follow certain events but not every meeting. I was so happy when I canceled them and bummed when they reappeared.

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  3. Today / heute Button creating/editing Event

    A "today" button (as in Outlook) would be in the appointment creation view
    when you select the start date and the end date.

    I often have to update a past appointment and then i have to
    today,"search". By clicking on the button, I would expect
    that the current day is jumped, but it is not immediately
    date is selected. Because sometimes I want to have a day in the
    Select the future.

    Ein "heute" Button (wie in Outlook) wäre in der Terminerstellungsansicht
    schön, wenn man das Start-Datum und das End-Datum auswählt.

    Ich muss oft einen vergangenen Termin aktualisieren…

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  4. Nicht erledigte Aufgaben sollten automatisch auf den nächsten Tag übertragen werden.

    Wenn ich eine Aufgabe an einem Tag nicht erledige, wird sie nicht automatisch auf den nächsten Tag übertragen. Wenn ich sie nicht manuell auf den nächsten Tag schiebe, geht sie leider unter.

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  5. Aufgaben

    Aufgaben die mit einer Priorität versehen sind, sollten möglichst auch in der Reihenfolge der Prioritäten sich sortieren, das heißt also dass die am höchsten bewertete, also wichtigste unteraufgabe auch an erster Stelle im Aufgabenkomplex steht.
    Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass das dies für die Arbeit mit Projekten sehr hilfreich sein könnte.
    vielen Dank Thomas Kührt

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  6. Display overnight event at morning alternatively

    I would like suggest possibility set the time limit to be hidden or displayed overnight events at morning based on time when event finish.

    For example: I have event which start at 21:00 until 7:00. I don't want to show it on second day because event finish before my "start of day" at 8:00. But event which lasts to 11:00 I need show at second day, because exceed my "start of day".

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  7. edit without pencil

    Hi could you enable editing the cal item by clicking on its name\time\description without needing to click on the pencil logo? I need it for example when accessing it from the widget view

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  8. Send Messages from Agenda in addition to 'call number' button

    Would be nice to send messages (SMS, maybe others) directly from agenda entries in addition to call button

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  9. Shortcuts for Day/Week/Month/Year view options

    Could we please have shortcut buttons at the top of calendar to enable to jump from Day/Week/Month/Year view. Just a pain at the moment having to go theough the main menu option to do this when I just want a quick overview of the month then go back to my day or week view.

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  10. Repeat event/task every "x" days

    We have many options already, but none with a repeat every "x" number of days.

    For example, my car payments come every 14 calendar days regardless of the day of the's different days depending on the month. Also, I go running but take every 3rd day off with a rest day every third day.

    Repeat event every "x" days would solve tasking/populating these scenarios.

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  11. Transparent events (avalaible status hierarchy)

    Using BC2 for years!
    Best and most useful app I have in my smartphone, by far... ❤️

    I have a small very useful idea for you to implement. So simple...
    In overlaping view of múltiple events, those of status "available" should
    go back over those of staus "busy" 😎
    Just as those "private" should go back over those of status "public" for
    not being só visible 😉

    Don't you think?

    The other level of upgrade is that the "available" status events become
    with a partia transparent background over other events, instead of having a
    white background as it is now...…

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  12. Add event or task quickly from month widget

    I use month widget. I like to click on a date and open a quick add event/ task details for add an event/task. After close the detail form, it will take me to month widget again. For example: 1 click a date on the month widget, 2. Open an add event/ task. 3. After it close, it takes me to previous/ original month widget.

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  13. Add option to hide location text

    I'd like an option to hide location text in Day Pro widget view. All my events are at the same location.

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  14. Show the same event on two or more calenders as one event.

    We use Business Calendar 2 as a family. Each member has their own Google calendar. When all calendars are displayed, events that affect several family members are displayed side by side. It would be great if you could display that as one event.

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  15. Show duplicate dates as one date

    I would love to see duplicate dates from different calendars, as one summarised date.

    Thanks a lot!

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  16. AMOLED THEME: I want full black theme instead of full dark theme

    How can I get full black theme instead of full dark theme??

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  17. Terminfarbe individuell

    Ich fände es ziemlich cool wenn man die Terminfarbe individuell anpassen können statt aus bestimmten auszuwählen.

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  18. I would like to be able to assemble all events from a calendar for the year for review.

    I would like an option for the ability to review, in list form, all events for the year for a particular calendar such as my events for a Medical calendar I setup. I would also like to be able to print this list, but just having them all listed would be of most benefit. Often I'm asked when did you do this or that and it's difficult to look for them in past months. Thank You

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  19. Eigenes Template

    Nach Terminvereinbarung teile ich den Termin immer mit dem Teilnehmer. Hierfür wäre ein anpassbares Template klasse.

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  20. Custom widget with specific dates

    I have a question about the use with regards to widgets.
    I work for a company that has important semester dates. Sometimes I need to use a physical calendar to access these events.

    Is it possible to make a widget with just these dates? If for example I could tag these dates with a "tag" and then select this "tag" by inserting the widget on the main screen of my android?

    I thank the attention!

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Business Calendar 2 (closed)


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