Business Calendar 2 (open)
Please feel free to post your idea for our application. If your favorite feature is already mentioned, you are allowed to vote for it. A comment might be helpful, too.
Remember that your posts and votes just give us an idea of currently most-wanted features. An implementation can’t be guaranteed.
458 results found
Search Exact
Is it possible to limit the search to show only events/tasks that match exactly and not those that include the search term.For example:
What happens now is:
Search -Foo
Returns:Foo, FooBar, BarFoo, fooBazz.
What we need is:
Search - "Foo
(note the quotes,
if searched without quotes then the default search is done)3 votes -
In Week views: wish to can see all the day events in the view (not only 10 max)
It's will be nice that we could customise the week view to see all the day events in on view without the hours part.
For now we can only seen 10 events and the hours part.Big thank for the great app you make !
6 votes -
일정 마감시간 미정 설정 ('Time Not fixed' item) / 할 일 마감시간 설정 (the deadline of To-Do list)
안녕하세요. 저는 삼성 갤럭시 노트10 휴대폰과 갤럭시탭 S7+를 사용하고 있는 한국 유저입니다.
Hello, I am a Korean user who is using Samsung Galaxy Note 10 mobile phone and Galaxy Tab S7+.
어플을 너무나 잘 사용하고 있지만 추가되었으면 하는 기능이 있어 글을 남깁니다. 이 기능의 필요성에 동감하시는 분들은 버튼을 꼭 눌러주세요.
I'm using the application very well, but I leave a message because there's a function that I want to add. If you agree with the need for this function, please press the button.
일정을 등록할 때 종료시간에 '미정' 항목을 넣어주세요.
When setting the end time of the schedule, please include…
1 vote -
Reminders on given time of day for an event with specific time (not all-day)
Summary: I want reminder options for fixed times of day (like there is for all-day events) for all type of events.
This suggestion was implemented for all-day events.
For events with a specific start time, it isn't of much use to have a reminder more than say 2 hours before expressed as "X hours before". E.g. "8 hours before" is often in the middle of the night. Much more useful would be something like:
10 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
08.00 same day
20.00 day before
13.00 day before
08.00 day before
08.00 2 days…3 votes -
Define attributes of what is added with the "add buttons" in the widget (tasks and calendar entries)
I have many startscreens on my Samsung Phone where I place many BC2 Task Widgets.Most of them show me the tasks of just one task list. I would now also be able to define that the add buttons of this widget would open the add view with the same task list that the widget shows the task of.
For example:
The BC2 tasks widget shows tasks of the list "immediately". When I click on the add button of the widget I would like to have that the task list "immediately" is already defined.Right now I can only…
3 votes -
Alarms more noticeable during voice conversations
While speaking on the phone it is far too easy not to pay attention to weak notification signal when having voice conversation. Alarms should be able to be more audible. Great would be to have an option to get announcement that is mixed on the phone and other voice conversations(for the phone owners ears only of course). For example: "You have calendar alarm. Please, pay attention!" or something like that. Thank you for the Business Calendar Pro, which is a great product!
1 vote -
Year view - show events over midnight once
In the month view there is the option to show events that pass midnight once. I work as a shift worker 5pm-5am and this would be invaluable in the year view. Thank you.
3 votes -
Hi, please add the check box "Select all" in the settings - support - export calendars. Best regards, Alexander
Hi, please add the check box "Select all" in the settings - support -
export calendars.
Best regards,
Alexander1 vote -
Add a note or remark without reference to an appointment, or time.
A new advantage is to add a note or remark that I want to assign to a day. Without reference to an appointment, or time.
102 votes -
I would like to be able to change/choose the way names appear when I link a contact. I'm talking about first name first, or last name first.
I would like to be able to change the format of the name when adding a contact to an appointment. As of now, BC2 reads contact names as First Name/Last Name, even if I change every contact setting on my phone.i type in the last name, but when I press on the pop-up name, it fills in first name first.
I would like to be able to choose to insert contacts as Last name/First name, cause this will save me TONS of time editing appointments in my practice management software.8 votes -
Ask user for confirmation before sending out updates to calendar invites
It would be useful to have a prompt for confirming whether we want invitation emails to be sent out to the event invitees, whenever we update the event. In most other calendar apps/clients, this is built-in, but in BC2, update emails are sent automatically without a chance of confirming.
33 votes -
Moon phases
I would appreciate the possibility to import a moon calendar showing full moon and new moon with the option to even show the exact time at the day in question.
38 votes -
71 votes
iCalendar-Eigenschaft `status` sollte verwendet werden
In der neuesten BC2-Version (2.38.0) können Termine erfreulicherweise als abgesagt markiert werden, aber leider wird dafür nicht die iCalendar-Eigenschaft
( verwendet, sondern ein proprietärer Mechanismus.Exportiere ich ein Ereignis als ICS und sehe mir den Inhalt an, steht dort u.a.:
Zwecks verbesserter Interoperabilität mit anderen Clients wünsche ich mir, daß
gesetzt wird, wie in RFC5545 spezifiziert (wobei ich auch keinen Doktorgrad in RFC5545-ologie habe).Danke.
13 votes -
Display outline only (not solid fill) for pending invites
Same as Google Calendar (both web version and app), have events for which one has been invited but not accepted have a transparent fill and only outline coloured - only accepted invitations or events created by oneself having solid fill:
This is very helpful to identify events where attendance has been confirmed/not, specially in Weekly view.
Thanks!23 votes -
Sichtbarkeit erledigter/offener Aufgaben in der Tagesansicht optimieren
nachdem ich schon über Jahre hinweg eure App sehr intensiv nutze, würde ich gerne eine Änderung anregen.
Ich arbeite fast nur in der Tagesansicht mit der Aufgabenspalte an der rechten Seite. In der Regel lasse ich die abgehakten Aufgaben sichtbar, weil es sehr motivierend ist, zu verfolgen, dass man schon einiges hinter sich gebracht hat. Manchmal, je nach Laune wird es jedoch nervig und unübersichtlich und es entsteht der Wunsch, die erledigen Aufgaben zu verstecken. Das ist allerdings aus der Tagesansicht heraus ziemlich aufwendig, auch wenn man schon genau weiß, wohin man sich durchklicken muss. Es wäre schön, wenn es…
1 vote -
7 votes
Option to increase font sizes in data enter mode.
In display mode, I can enlarge text so much I can read it from across the room, but in data entry mode the unchangeable default font is so small that there are times (low light conditions, too much wine, etc.) when I can hardly see what I'm writing - and my eyesight is nearly 20/20!
22 votes -
Week View: Font size of the days of the week & hours
Could you allow the setting of the font size of the dates and hours in the schedule of the week. please49 votes -
Google Tasks
Now, when Google Tasks can have time and can be recurring, will it be possible to synchronize their time and recurrence with Business Calendar 2? I was not using Google Tasks until now, but they seem to be usable now.
212 votes
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