I NEED this calendar for IOS!
Changed from Android to iOS a few months back and struggeling ever since!
It was so helpfull for organising with all the features- especially with my ADHD! There is no other app like this! With all the features in one organising App, such as: Appointments AND To-Do‘s, multiple reminders, colour coding categories, showing or hiding categories (really helping to not get overwhelmed), and so so much more!
Anonymous commented
I switched to jPhone unaware that BC2 is unavailable on the Apple platform. For what it is worth... please make a version for the Apple platform. I have been using it since version 1 on Android and would like to continue using it.
Adelina commented
Please, please make your app available for iOs!!! I have tried all the apps on the Apple app Store, and nothing, NOT ONE of the apps available there have the cleanliness, great and easy organization that Business Calendar 2 provides!
Would you consider making it available on a desktop or Mac version so that I can use it as a Chrome Extension??? I appreciate your consideration and again, congratulations for such an amazing product! -
Wally Robertson commented
I've just switched to iPhone and am mortified to find, after 5 years, that I can no longer use Business Calendar. Are there no plans at all to create an ios version?
Gerard Gil Bragais commented
Thomas Zay commented
I have this outstanding app on my phone which I highly recommend. One I would love to see this in a desktop version and two a version for iPhone and Mac.
Anonymous commented
I would pay absurd amounts of money to have this app on the iPhone. ALL current iPhone calendars pale in comparison, there is a huge hole in the market for an app like this on iOS.
Anonymous commented
Gibt es keine IOS Version für MAcbook Pro und Iphone??
Anonymous commented
iPhone would gain an innumerable number of new customers, if they would have the sense to find a way of making Business Calendar Pro available for iPhone. Particularly sensible professional people can not afford to chuck years of existing calender content just to change to iPhone, even if they would like to.
Anonymous commented
Business Calendar Pro not being available for iPhone is the only reason for my not buying an iPhone!
Anonymous commented
Business Calendar Pro not being unavailable for iPhone, is the only reason for my not buying an iPhone
Pim commented
Yes!! Definitely need a calendar on iOS like this one! I would love to see this happen.
Anonymous commented
Got an iPhone at work(no androids are available to choose). But I realized that Business Calendar is not available in AppStore. I really miss it; no calendar in AppStore play in the same arena as your calendar app. It would be nice if your app would be available in AppStore too! Please make it happen.