I NEED this calendar for IOS!
Changed from Android to iOS a few months back and struggeling ever since!
It was so helpfull for organising with all the features- especially with my ADHD! There is no other app like this! With all the features in one organising App, such as: Appointments AND To-Do‘s, multiple reminders, colour coding categories, showing or hiding categories (really helping to not get overwhelmed), and so so much more!
Anonymous commented
I also hope that an iPhone and iPad version will be released as soon as possible...
Mika Jaatinen commented
I hope this app will be available to iphone near future. There is no decent app for calendar on app store. Widgets are poor also. Your app rocks!
Pwincess Leia commented
I will switch to iOS, so please make this app for it. 🤞
Max Friederich commented
If you make an iOS version, and hopefully a mac version, your value and reputation will be HUGE.
Bitte 🙂 -
hoi@islerfab.io commented
Like many previous commenters, i had to move from Android to iPhone. I'm not exaggerating by saying that the most difficult part of this is finding a calendar app with this amazing month view where the positions in the square correspond to the times of the event. I literally tried every single calendar app, no luck.
This feature is so important to my planning, I also created an account here solely to comment on this thread.
Please, please bring your app to iOS.
Ru Chen commented
please ios, I need it
Jeremy commented
Just make it on iOS already!! What are you waiting for??
Adriano Camporesi commented
Make it for iPhone, you will have surely much much more users!!! Nowadays there is ChatGpt for quicker porting the code!
Geoff commented
My guess is never...been asking for this for years. This is why I have not yet switched to an iPhone- I LOVE THIS APP and would switch but not if I can't have this app...that's how much I depend on BIZ CAL PRO.
pri vat commented
Fast switching between the views, handling of multiple accounts and calendar and also the week widget is missed on IOS. And it worked so well on small screens and older hardware.
Bri Kri commented
Verena S. commented
Need the calendar on iOS!! :-(
Arlin Gray commented
I actually created an account here to just to upvote this request. I NEED this on my iOS device. It's the best and most important app on my Android device and I can't live without it...
In the meantime, does anyone know of another app that features timeline bars in month view? This single feature has saved me probably hours of headache scheduling and I don't know of any other app that does it, Android, Windows, or iOS.
mpurcell44 commented
Please add for iOS!!!!!!!
Younes chemingui commented
ios please!!
Manu Lux commented
Please !!
Jean-Marc Sadati commented
Jos Anshell commented
Seems crazy not to be able to access cross-platform
IF YU commented
Albeit many, including myself, use two cellphones owing to the prevalence of both OS, I believe most would agree the majority of people on this planet are using a single phone approach. So chances are higher that people currently using this app are also using a mac (myself) than using an iphone.
So I'd say a mac version of this app is also noteworthy. Or at least a web version to use on mac please.
Laba Igor commented
У меня премиум. Я сейчас перейду на iPhone и забуду про этот календарь 😞
У меня жена и друг тоже купили бы премиум если бы он был на iPhone.
Да сделайте наконец то его для Apple store! У вас клиентов удвоится, а премиумов утроится!